A Holistic, Natural Approach
Acupuncture Clinic in Oklahoma City
Oklahoma City Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years, to treat hundreds of health issues and is based on the premise that most diseases are the result of energy and nerve disruption. This system of natural healing is concerned with restoring proper energy flow throughout the body and to all organ systems, thus allowing for optimal communication throughout the body.
Energy flow can be disrupted all through the body, either through meridians, which are pathways for which the body communicates or from the spinal column through vertebral misalignment. Once a doctor has identified and localized the bodies’ system interference, acupuncture is straightforward in its application and well suited for the majority of ordinary ailments.
Central Oklahoma Acupuncture is also extremely effective for complex and unusual conditions due to acupuncture itself being complex and unique in its ability to deliver full-body balance and elimination systemic dysfunction.
Acupuncture Care & Treatment in Central Oklahoma
Mounting research over the last decade has repeatedly shown acupuncture care to produce significant improvement in patients across a vast spectrum of difficult symptoms. As researchers continue to produce such positive support for acupuncture care, more and more health problems continue to be shown to respond extremely well to this all-natural healthcare approach.
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Acupuncture Oklahoma City - Effective & Beneficial
Typical ailments usually responding to acupuncture health care include neuralgia, headaches, tics, spasms, neuralgia of the shoulders and arm, tennis elbow, osteoarthritis, rheumatism, ulcers, stomach problems, hepatitis, asthma, bronchitis, shortness of breath, coughs, certain types of heart trouble, abnormal blood pressure, lumbago, bladder irritation, bedwetting, female disorders, impotence, hay fever, loss of smell, tonsillitis, skin conditions, and even nervous or psychiatric factors based on the fact that often mental problems arise from physical disorders.
MD Anderson, Cancer Treatment Centers of America, Harvard University, The University of Oklahoma, UCLA Hospital, University of Maryland, are but a few of the top hospitals in the nation that regularly use acupuncture care in treatment regimes for a variety of health disorders, confirming the validity of acupuncture OKC in mainstream healthcare.
There are many methods used in order to detect the flow of energy such as signs/symptoms, reflex points, and instrumental findings. Dr. Cody Elledge, Oklahoma City Chiropractor, has years of experience in focused care and competency in the art of acupuncture. The stimulation of specific acupuncture points is extremely safe and there is no danger of infection.
The techniques employed by Dr. Elledge are virtually painless, and the mass majority of patients consider acupuncture treatment very relaxing and stress-free. Spinal adjustments and acupuncture Oklahoma City OK go hand in hand with balancing the body.