Why should I get adjusted every month even when I feel my VERY BEST?
When you visit a chiropractor because you are having a specific problem or you just want to improve your overall health and well being, you are already taking a more positive approach to your health than a majority of Americans. But most people are unaware of all of the benefits of keeping your spine and nervous system healthy, the regular chiropractic care.
Here are 8 health benefits you can receive from regular chiropractic care.
Improved Moods
It may sound funny to say that chiropractic, actually makes you happier, but that is what the research shows. Chiropractic has been shown to improve hormone balance. Decreasing the bad hormones like cortisol and increasing the good hormones, such as dopamine and norepinephrine makes a big difference in how the brain and body works and how a person feels. This is why those suffering with anxiety and depression frequently have dramatic results with chiropractic care.
Fewer Colds and Flus
Dr. Ronald Pero, chief of cancer prevention research at New York’s Preventive Medicine Institute measured 107 individuals who had received long-term Chiropractic care. The chiropractic patients were shown to have a 200% stronger immune system than people who had not received chiropractic care. Dr. Pero indicated that Chiropractic patients have incredibly strong immune systems, stronger than any group that he is ever measured.
See a Doctor Regularly Who’s Goal Is to Keep You Healthy
Doctors of chiropractic are an excellent resource for your health. They are well trained, naturally minded professionals who undergo a rigorous education in the healing sciences, similar to that of medical doctors. In some areas, such as anatomy, physiology, rehabilitation, nutrition and public health, they receive more education than a medical doctor. Doctors of chiropractic work in tandem with other healthcare professionals. If your condition requires attention from another branch of the healthcare profession, that recommendation or referral will be made.
Sleep Better
With 40 million Americans experiencing a chronic sleeping disorder and 62% of American adults experiencing problems sleeping a few nights a week, Americans desperately need to sleep better. Chiropractic has been shown to improve sleep, both in children and adults.
Have More Energy
In my experience, when someone is under chiropractic care for a while they begin to notice some of the positive side benefits of chiropractic, including more energy and less fatigue. If you do a Google search to see all the chiropractic patients who have provided testimonials indicating that they have more energy now you will be overwhelmed.
Spend Less Money
Chiropractic care has also been shown to be more cost-effective than the medical approach of drugs or surgery. For example, The Manga Report, a 1993 Canadian government study was quoted as saying: “There would be highly significant cost savings if more management of low-back pain was transferred from physicians to chiropractors… Users of chiropractic care have substantially lower health care costs, especially inpatient costs, than those who use medical care only.”
Avoid Drugs and Hospitals
Each year, about 4.5 million Americans visit their doctor’s office or the emergency room because of adverse prescription drug side effects. OKC Chiropractic care is a drugless approach to health that has been shown to reduce pharmaceutical costs by 51.8%. The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics reported that chiropractic patients under care results in 43 percent fewer hospital admissions, then those under medical care.
Less Pain
When the spine is misaligned due to accidents and injuries, pain frequently develops. Research tells us that Chiropractic adjustments are effective for helping people with pain. If you have never been to a chiropractor before, why not take the first step to a healthier you.
Regular maintenance on your spine, keeps proper long-term mobility, and allows the spinal column to stay stable and strong. There is nothing more important than a healthy, full-functioning spine and nervous system. Even when healthy, chiropractic adjustments provide an ongoing and natural pro-active defense against anything that may distress or sicken your system. My main goal is to keep you stable, healthy and happy!! We are so grateful for our awesome patient base and thank you all for allowing us to serve you and your family’s healthcare needs in 2015 and beyond!!
We look forward to seeing you at your next adjustment,
Dr. Elledge