I wanted to personally write and thank all of our wonderful patients for voting our clinic #1 in Oklahoma City! It is such an awesome honor to have so many amazing patients who trust us daily with their friends and families’ care. We strive to be a source of confidence and excellence in a healthcare arena that is many times confusing and detached. Chiropractic and acupuncture may be considered alternative treatments, but the truth is so much simpler than that. They both focus on removing interference from the nervous system and allowing the body to do what it was designed to do, and that’s heal itself! The beauty of adjusting the spine and taking pressure off a pinched nerve is something that is altogether powerful and all encompassing in its simplicity and complexity. I hope that all of our patients realize that there is nothing more important than your spine, and your underlying nervous system. It controls all communication in the body even down to a cellular level. How cool is that?! We do not take that responsibility lightly and we are continually honored and humbled by your constant referrals into our office. Jenn, Demi and I will always do our very best to serve your healthcare needs and we look forward to seeing you at your next adjustment!
Sincerely In Health,
Dr. Elledge